OCASI latest articles

My Canada Includes all Families Letter To Minister

January 20, 2014

The Honourable Chris Alexander
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Dear Hon. Minister:

Re: Strengthening Family Class Reunification

On behalf of a coalition of community based organizations and academics across Canada, we are writing to seek your help to renew Canada's commitment to strengthening the family class immigration program.

OCASI Comments On Proposed Citizenship Changes

OCASI has prepared a preliminary analysis of Bill C-24, the Citizenship amendment Act tabled in the House of Commons on Thursday February 6, 2014. We will develop a fuller analysis as we continue to review the Bill and prepare for public comment opportunities through the Parliamentary Standing Committee later in the year.

The government has already doubled the citizenship application fees from $200 to $400. The change is already in effect and will remain so regardless of what happens to Bill C-24.

Déclaration d’OCASI sur la Charte des valeurs québécoises

Comme organisme engagé dans les droits des personnes et l'équité, OCASI- Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants est profondément préoccupé par le fait que la Charte des valeurs québécoises proposée, va discriminer et marginaliser les femmes et les hommes appartenant aux groupes et communautés en quête d'équité.
